SA devises new plans for fall semester

By Stephanie Bradley

Formulating ideas for the fall semester is the basic agenda for the Student Association this summer.

SA Vice President Gregg Bliss said little is being done in the SA until the July 31 summer meeting, which will serve as an orientation for the new executive administrators. However, some members are working on projects which they hope will be implemented in the fall.

Bliss said he is working on a booklet for all SA-recognized organizatons on campus which will explain everything the organizations need to know.

SA Treasurer Diana Turowski is revising the treasury bylaws, Bliss said.

SA President Paula Radtke said her main concern this summer is the Tenant Union, an organization for students who are currently living off campus, or will be in the fall.

Radtke said the union was set up in the early 1980s as part of the welfare office. Its purpose is to inform students of their rights when dealing with landlords.

Radtke said she will be trying to send room-condition reports to all students living off campus in DeKalb. The report will be filled out by the student either with or without the landlord’s presence, to be signed then by both, she said.

“The report will be filled out shortly after the student moves in, and will be legal,” she said. The report will guarantee students a return of their security deposits if little or no damage occurs during their stay in the room, apartment or townhouse.

Unlike other room-condition reports which might be vague, incomplete or untrue, this report will be extremely thorough and specific as to what damages are incurred to the place of residence, Radtke said.

Before the report is signed, students should go to the University Legal Services and have them inspect both the room and lease to make sure the lease is constitutional, Radtke said.

Radtke said she is trying to develop an effective way to deliver about 5,000 reports.

She said she also would like to create a “party policy” sheet explaining to students what kinds of parties they are legally entitled to have and what the legal ramifications of any illegal actions will be.

A tenant/student fair might also be scheduled for November, which would allow students to look at all the kinds of housing available.

Radtke said she also might “have students rate their landlords in terms of how long it took them to make repairs and how much they charged for overdue rent checks.”

The members of another organization in the SA, the Mass Transit Board, are also developing new ideas for the fall.

SAMTB Chairman Dave Emerick said new ideas are being discussed to make the bus system more efficient for its users.

There is now a bus route which ends at Bethany Road but the board is seeking approval from the Sycamore City Council to implement a route which will go to downtown Sycamore. Emerick said, “The area the system serves is changing and it (the system) needs to grow.”

Emerick said he is working on a new map of the Huskie bus system which would be in booklet form. The map will have the routes and timetables as well as important phone numbers and a “where-to-go” guide.

Emerick said the late-night ride service which was tested this spring will be implemented again in the fall, and the SAMTB has allocated $1,700 for it. The service “went over well” in experimentation, he said. The Greek Row 3C bus also will run again in the winter months for students in inclement weather, he said.

Emerick said the SAMTB has received suggestions on how the bus system could be improved, but has received few overall complaints from passengers. “I would like students to realize the system was created for students by students,” he said.

Despite the repairs and construction that will be taking place on the Carroll Avenue side of the Holmes Student Center, bus service this fall will not be disrupted, Emerick said. Bus routes 2, 6 and 7 will stay on Normal Road and routes 1, 3, 4, 5 and 8 will stay on Carroll Avenue.