Fair and objective

It has come to my attention some students believe that the current administration of the Student Association is filled with members who dress, act and look, not like the student body, but, the John Lennon Society.

Fortunately, I believe my record of appointments shows clearly that I have been fair and objective when making them. It is clear that I have not consistently appointed JLS members. The following examples will help clarify my point:

. After having been elected SA president, I appointed to a staff position the campaign manager of my running mate’s opponent over my own campaign manager (a noted JLS member).

2. I appointed my own opponent’s campaign manager to the position of student regent over a good friend and noted JLS sympathizer.

3. I have appointed greeks, residence hall tenants, College Republicans, Young Democrats, minorities, JLS members, and the “average student” (all of whom looked like students). Many of these appointments were made after I sent a memo to all student organizations requesting applicants for these positions.

It seems that those who are making accusations that I have consistently appointed JLS affiliates to staff positions are thoroughly ignorant of the facts and would be incapable of making sound judgments in regard to the SA and the people who should lead it.

Jim Fischer

SA president