WKDI to petition for student vote on UPI

By Susie Snyder

WKDI will continue attempts to re-activate its United Press International wire service for which the Student Association Senate cut funding Dec. 6 after deciding the campus radio station could operate without the $5,000 service.

WKDI will submit a petition to the Student Supreme Court for approval of wording. Student Association President Jim Fischer said if the court approves WKDI’s petition, the station would win the right to a referendum vote by the student body.

The Student Association Constitution states,”The results of the student body referendums shall be final, except in the case of financial referendums.” The WKDI referendum would be considered a financial referendum, Fischer said.

The SA finance committee will make the final recommendation to the SA senate which will then decide the specific amount of money to be allocated, if any, the constitution states. The results will be binding for one year only.

In its action to retain the wire service, WKDI is basically at the same place as they were at the end of last semester, WKDI Manager Marna Coldwater said.

The station will try to meet with the student court this month for its approval of WKDI’s petition for a referendum, Coldwater said.

If the referendum is passed, the issue of funding the service will be brought back to the senate for further discussion, she said.

Coldwater said WKDI must meet with the student court to see specifically what the referendum would do. She said it would not neccessarily mean the station would get funding for the UPI service because the issue still would have to gain senate approval.

She said WKDI and interested students will meet at the Holmes Student Center on Jan. 27 to discuss the meeting with the student court.