Don’t ‘slam’ REO

This regards the comments in Theron Moore’s rebuttal to the article on a concert at Rockford’s Metro Centre.

First, you say that members of REO Speedwagon and the Royal Court of China aren’t “rock stars.” Okay. How about if we just call them musicians? Second, if you perceived Louise Koryta’s writing style as third grade level, maybe her article reached its intended audience.

Why do you slam the Star for covering a concert in nearby Rockford instead of Chicago? Theron, this is The Northern Star, not the Chicago Tribune. The concert was a major one in this area. I’m sure an interview would not have been granted if the concert was in Chicago.

Finally, where do you come off calling REO Speedwagon a rip-off band? They’ve been together for over 15 years and have sold millions of albums, so they must be doing something right. They do “play” their music—just straightforward rock and roll. As for their “fake” personalities, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting them and can say they are some of the nicest people I’ve met—friendly and not arrogant.

I’d like to criticize your bands, like Zoetrope and the Mentors, but I won’t, since I’ve never heard of them—as I’m sure many others have not. Please don’t slam a band which has made such a prominent mark in the music industry. And we’ll see where Zoetrope is 15 years from now.

Brad Carlson

junior, business