Use column to do something good

This letter is in response to Mr. Dan Moran’s “potty mouth” column on Oct. 23 about the Day of Action.

Let’s start by clearing up a few things. I only rarely read the Star; I usually have better things to do than write a letter to the Star; I always have better things to do than attend a JLS meeting; I think Ronald Reagan and Jim Fabris both need to retire; and the most ludicrous thing I’ve heard in the last year is the idea of nominating Tom Rainey to the ROTC committee. Now we can begin.

The biggest fault of Mr. Moran’s column as I see it is the analogy drawn between Jim Fabris and Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Has Jim Fabris ever claimed to be one of MLK’s disciples? I don’t think so.

Mr. Moran, I find it absurd, ignorant and just plain stupid for you to expect Jim Fabris to be the second coming of Martin Luther King. If every protestor (and their leaders) in the world had to live up to these standards and expectations, or give up their stuggles and dreams, how many do you think would be left?

as Jim Fabris ever juxtaposed you and Mike Royko, and clamored for your removal because you fall far short of the master in skill, eloquence, intelligence, humor, etc.?

I find it childish and ignorant for you to get upset and write a column just because someone shouted a few naughty words at you.

Just because the JLS is brought together in the spirit of love, peace, fraternity and democracy, do you think they shouldn’t be allowed to use nasty words? Do you really think humankind would be taking a great step forward by stopping swearing and starting to emulate your tactics of calling people names like “idiot activists” or “pseudo flower children” and “in dire need of a shower?”

I do hope you realize that protesting and resistance are invaluable tools we possess, and apathy is one of society’s worst enemies. Instead of using most of your column to tell bad jokes, why not use part of it to sanction student resistance, inform students of things going on that affect them and paths they can take to augment or combat them?

This is a very complex, confusing society and era we live in, and I’m sure there’s a lot of bewildered people looking for some intelligent guidance.

I also think it’s about time you recognized the positive attributes of the JLS and gave it credit for all the great things it has accomplished despite its shortcomings.

Larry Jackowiak

