Greek business

Lately there has been intense competition among many liquor establishments for the liquor business on Greek Row.

As the Sigma Phi Epsilon treasurer, I found that the best price and service was from McCabe’s. Furthermore, Bob Goering, one of the owners, has been our Faculty Adviser for the past couple of years and has done a great job.

Last Wednesday night, I walked into the Jungle and before I even got to the bar, I was met by Lito (Neboniachi), the owner of the Jungle. He asked me if he could talk to me for a minute and we went into the liquor store next door. Lito said that he wanted Sig Eps’ liquor account because he helped us with a fundraiser over two years ago when our house burned down.

I thanked him but explained that I seriously doubted if he could meet the price, service, or other things (free cups and ice) that McCabe’s provided. Lito said he would give Sig Eps’ one dollar over invoice cost. I asked him why he was just interested in getting greek business and he replied that he didn’t want to see McCabe’s near his business and that they hate greeks. I disagreed and he told me to f–k off and get out of his place of business and never come back.

Now I read in the Northern Star that all research projects in the marketing department are being halted because Lito was trying to get back at McCabe’s by complaining that the research being done in Bob Goering’s class could be used against him. This is ridiculous and now every student in every marketing class can no longer pass out surveys, which is a vital part of marketing research.

The Chairman of the Marketing Department, Terence O’Brien, says he is interested in maintaining a good relationship with the business community. Maybe the business community, specifically the Jungle, should try to maintain a better relationship with the students.

I think it’s time that Greek Row considers alternatives to the Jungle because we are being severely taken advantage of. The Jungle liquor store is one of the highest priced in town. (Another) is only a couple of blocks farther and less expensive on most things. Furthermore, there is a much more diverse selection of bars downtown.

Obviously, the management of the Jungle does not consider the patronage of Greek Row students important enough to warrant our continued support of their establishment. We all know what can happen to businesses that ignore the needs and concerns of their customers—they go out of business.

Dave Stern


Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity