Greeks maligned

The College Republicans of Northern Illinois University support and encourage the investigation by university officials of the recent distribution of racist material in the Greek Row area.

Presumably because of their traditionally moderate to conservative political views and their high visibility in DeKalb, the greek system has, once again, been subjected to this outrageous and vulgar display of some other group’s (or individual’s) racist and discriminatory tendencies. The person(s) responsible for these disgusting actions should be found out immediately. They should be held accountable not only to the minority groups which have been maligned, but also to the fraternities and sororities they have victimized and, indeed, to the entire student body!

Neither the racist sentiments nor the libelous actions of the party can be tolerated at N.I.U. It is time that those responsible for this and past actions be held accountable.

Carl H. Witt, Jr.

press secretary

college republicans