Moran surrealistic

I’ve got a lot to say about the Day of Action, and since Dave Duschene told the crowd of protestors that the Star isn’t biased because they print all of my letters, I’ll take my time and say everything I have to say one letter at a time.

I want to respond to Dan Moran first. (I haven’t read Mike Lacy’s column yet because I have been unable to bring myself to read philosophical musings on civil disobedience by a National Guardsman.) I don’t mind Moran publishing that I called Dave Duschene a “mother f—-r.” Strangers have been patting me on the back all day. I am sorry, however, that I called Dan a “mother f—-r.” Not that he didn’t deserve it, but because I like his columns. They have a wierd surrealistic quality to them, and he never attempts to distort anything that matters—like Duschene, Lacy and Solley do.

I honestly didn’t realize the skinny guy with the red face who was running around like a chicken on caffeine was Dan Moran. He was trying to pick a fight with me, and just about anyone else who would pay any attention to him, by saying, “Come on! Come on!” and waving his hands at his chest, or telling people to go take a bath.

His performance was so bizarre that I figured someone had to bring him back down to earth before he started a riot or something. He was standing on the car telling everyone to shut up. This was dangerous, because it was the comment in Dave Duschene’s column, “Pay the increase and shut up,” that got everyone riled up in the first place, so I said, “You can come down here and shut me up, mother f—-r.” It had the desired effect of shocking him back into his senses.

It was flattering for Moran to compare me to Martin Luther King in his column, but I don’t think it was fair. King was a minister, so of course he didn’t swear. He let Stokely Carmichael and Rap Brown do it for him. Stokely and Rap were student activists in the civil rights movement who talked so nasty they could peel the paint off the wall.

Since I’ve met Dan, I’ve actually come to like him more. He’s even weirder in real life than in his columns.

Jim Fabris

JLS activist