Mixed-up values?

A survey of college students reported by the Education Commission of States found that “the values showing the greatest increase since 1972 were: being well-off financially, being an authority, having administrative responsibility for others and obtaining recognition. The values which showed the largest decline in importance since 1972 were: helping others, promoting racial understanding, cleaning up the environment, participation in community-action programs and keeping up with political affairs.”

After reading the alarming letters of Mr. Warfield (who opposes student involvement, with the exception of bowling leagues) and Mr. Becofske (who labels a freeze supporter an acid head), the findings of this survey seem much closer to home.

Thankfully, there are groups of students on this campus who are active in their commitment to altruistic causes. I suggest it is this “declining” set of values that will perpetuate the human race if we make it into the next millenium.

Joe Vigneux


office of special projects