Who’s to blame?

I would like to respond to Phil Thennes (Mar. 23, 1987) concerning his accusation of being duped into signing a petition to fight racism by the International Committee Against Racism (INCAR).

He should have read the petition and informed himself on INCAR before signing. He was told that it was a petition against racism; he was not misinformed to sign an “invented” petition. He was later informed, without his asking for it, of the nature of the organization making the petition. He should have asked to have his name erased after being informed. He should take the responsibility for having not informed himself.

He listed their phone number and suggested we call to “tell them what we think of their stinking subversive tactics.” Instead of blaming INCAR, he should meditate about his tactic of encouraging students to intimidate a leftist political organization.

Lorenzo M. Alberto


political science