‘I hate Ron’ fan club can stop endless witch hunt

Without a doubt, most people by now are tired of reading about the whole Iran-contra—”I hate Reagan so much, I could kill him” thing that’s been going down in Washington since November. I’m tired of it too. But bear with me on this, because I’ve been holding my tongue too long and I’m about to explode.

Most readers to the left of center are probably going to turn green when they read this. To them, I say read ahead at your own risk; your hearts are about to grow even bloodier. Sorry.

ere goes:

President Ronald Reagan made only one mistake in handling this whole situation—he allowed a bloodthirsty media to get its hands on it and leak it out to an even more bloodthirsty general public. It’s that simple.

egardless of the First Amendment, there are just some things that the public doesn’t need to know. The dealings of the National Security Council are in that category.

But once reports of the Iran dealings got out, there was no way the media was going to let up until they could get to the bottom of the situation. Unfortunately, in trying to get to the bottom, the media led the public to believe the situation was much more serious than it actually was.

As the story grew, most people accepted the hypothesis that Reagan was selling arms as a ransom for hostages—and, in fact, those hostages were freed when Iran received the arms shipment. But not too many people realized the president was also making connections with moderate factions in Iran who soon will be in control of that country.

But even if Reagan was selling arms for the sole purpose of securing the freedom of a few people (and he wasn’t), what is so wrong with that? I’m sure the folks who are running around sticking pins in Reagan voodoo dolls would be whistling different tunes if one of their loved ones was being held hostage somewhere in the Middle East. Things would be different then, wouldn’t they? You bet.

Next, everybody was up in arms (no pun intended) because the money made off the arms deal was diverted to Nicaragua to aid the contras. Again, so what. Reagan’s feelings about funding the contras are no secret. In this case, he went about it in the wrong way. The trouble is, he got caught. Now he’s a bad guy. Now he should be sent to the electric chair.

onestly folks, there’s not a politician (Democrats included) out there who does everything by the book. It’s just that most of them don’t get caught. But that’s just part of our government. It can’t be stopped. Nor should it be.

eagan couldn’t get the money he wanted by going through Congress, so he did it in his own way.

And that money was put to good use. It is being used to support a fight against communism. A battle that should be supported by anyone who supports the ideals of democracy. Communism endangers democracy.

But still, the liberals out there who want Reagan run out of Washington persist in their witch hunt. They’re the ones who compared this to Watergate. They won’t be happy until Reagan is out of office. Too bad they just will have to wait until ‘88.

In the meantime, they should just get on with their jobs and forget about lynching the president. With their little tirades, they are dampening Reagan’s ability to do his job. And if they keep it up, the next two years will be a big waste of time in Washington.

There is no need to drag this thing out any further. What has happened has happened. It can’t be changed—not even if the bleeding hearts could be successful in their quest to knock Reagan out of office. Luckily for America and the institution of the presidency, they can’t be successful. The public has seen through all of this and the polls are showing a return in support for Reagan.