NIU could save $2.6 million on bond costs

NIU could save $2.6 million if the Board of Regents votes Thursday to allow it to prepay an outstanding revenue bond debt, Regents Vice Chancellor John Pembroke said.

The U.S. Loan Department Discount Program is offering NIU a 30 percent discount totaling $2.6 million on the its outstanding debts if the bond is paid in advance, Pembroke said.

The bonds are used to fund the building and maintenance of campus structures such as the Recreation Center, Chick Evans Field House, Huskie Stadium and the Holmes Student Center.

The Illinois Board of Higher Education’s (IBHE) recommendations for fiscal year 1988, including a 4 percent tuition increase, also are on the Regents’ agenda.

In addition, “Program Matters at NIU,” including the creation of three new titles in the technology and community health departments, are scheduled to be discussed, Pembroke said.

The revenue bond question will be discussed at the Joint Committee of Finance meeting and at the open session. The meetings will be held at Illinois State University in Normal, Jan. 21-22.