Day 21 and 22 – Back in England: A first-hand account of studying abroad

By Catherine Carter

Day 21 

Good morning NIU! It’s my first day back here in England and it’s weird to stop saying ‘merci’ to everyone and go back to saying ‘thanks.’ As sad as I was to leave France, I am just as excited to be back in Oxford. After class this morning, I went out to lunch at a local pub with some girls from the program. We spent some time just relaxing and enjoying the wonderful weather before I had to head back to the dorms and get some homework done. Luckily, I had brought back something from France to make my work easier – some macarons! There were so many kinds of flavors that I found it hard to choose, but I finally settled on blueberry, rose, raspberry, blood orange, tangerine and lemon. The macarons were so beautiful that I didn’t want to eat them! I’m very glad I did though, because they were fantastic! My favorite was lemon. Even though I didn’t have the macarons in France, I am happy I was able to enjoy some authentic French dessert!

Day 22

Hey Huskies! Today was another fabulous day! Hopefully you remember the play I bragged about a few weeks ago (day 7), “Wuthering Heights.” I loved it so much I went back tonight and watched it again! This time, I bought the program for the production and I was so impressed by the cast! Tyler Conti played Healthcliff, the leading male character; he was most recently featured in a Netflix series, Safe. One of the other cast members, Dominic Charman, was featured in The Imitation Game! It was so incredible to be sitting just a few feet from such fantastic actors and actresses! 


The second time around, I was even more impressed with the cast and performance. I didn’t mention it in the last blog, but each of the cast members had a few roles since there were only eight people in the entire production. They each also played at least one instrument during the performance; one thing I didn’t notice before was how much the strength the music added to the emotion of the scene. It was incredibly beautiful and I may or may not have cried again. 


Without a doubt, I will be going back a third time! My mom and sister are coming to visit me this weekend and I will definitely be dragging them along to another performance!