Day 10 and 11 – Greetings from Dublin: A first-hand account of studying abroad

The view from on top of the Guinness Storehouse.

By Catherine Carter

Day 10

Hello Huskies! This morning was a bit cloudy and grey on my way to class, but my day was soon brightened up by a letter for my grandparents! I can’t be in touch with them while I’m here, so they have been reading my blog to stay updated. I’d like to give them a special shoutout for being so awesome and reading each day’s articles! (And if you’ve made it this far, you deserve a shoutout too.) 

I spent most of this afternoon packing and getting ready for a trip to Dublin this weekend! We’re leaving for the airport at 2 a.m., so I’m heading to bed early tonight. Goodnight, and the next time you’ll hear from me I’ll be in Ireland!

Day 11

Top of the morning to you! Hello from Ireland! Today has been the longest day of my life, but also one of the most fun. After leaving the dorm at 1:30 a.m., we made the trek to the airport for an early flight to Dublin. Luckily for me, there were no delays with this flight! We arrived safely and decided to explore Dublin for a few hours before we could get to the AirBNB. We were very hangry, so we found a quaint restaurant and enjoyed a full Irish breakfast, including fried eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, beans and black pudding. (Black pudding, in case like me you have absolutely no idea what it is, is not actually pudding at all. It looks like a brownie bite with walnuts in it, but do not be deceived. It is really a meat patty with onion in it. It was surprisingly delicious.) 


After breakfast, we wandered around Dublin some more. We visited churches, shops and ate lunch at a pub. After such an exhausting morning, we took a nap and caught our second wind. We headed to the Guinness storehouse where we were able to learn all about the brewing process. This tour was one of, if not the, best thing that I did in Ireland.

It was an incredible museum, and when we finished the tour, we were at the top of the building and were able to enjoy this astounding view. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!