Get to Know the Cutest Couples

By Northern Star Staff

Voting is open today for the Northern Star’s Cutest Couple Contest! Cast your vote for who you think the cutest couple is, and here are their “how we met” stories to help you decide!

1. Rory Gallagher and Tory Leverton

How We Met: We were acquaintances who started watching monthly WWE pay-per-views together, and by October, we both realized we really loved each other!
We’re the cutest couple through our incredible energy and excitement for life! No couple comes close to how adorable we can get! Also, our names rhyme! That’s the cutest thing possible!

2. Margaret Hitchcock and Kinze Newhouse

How We Met: We met at the pride parade, and we are the cutest couple because we have pride! 

3. Thad Van Hiel and Kameron De Boer

How We Met: When Kameron broke up with her old boyfriend, she was invited to a different cluster by some friends to try to cheer her up. She hesitantly agreed. Thad’s roommate told him he was going to cheer a friend up and asked if he wanted to go. Having nothing else to do, he hesitantly agreed. While they were cheering her up, Thad initiated all the guys to serenade her with the song “You’re Beautiful” by James Blunt in extremely high voices. He also wrote her a note, Shakespeare style, about how amazing she was, signing it from Romeo Van Thad. From there our relationship grew, and we are now 2 1/2 years strong.

4. Emili Mikolajczyk and Noah Montalto

How We Met: Met on New Year’s Eve 2014, high school sweethearts, going on 4 years. We lived an hour away from each other all through high school and decided to come to NIU to be together.

5. Clare Kitchell and Andrew Frankenreider

How We Met: As a freshman, I moved in early, and he was on campus early because of baseball. My first night out, I met him and the rest is history…