4 Last-Minute DIY Halloween Costumes

By Victoria Lambton

As adults, the appeal of going door-to-door on Halloween is a thing of the past. Instead, every year college students dress up in the craziest, wildest outfits in an attempt to out-do their peers. With only a few days until the first fall holiday, throwing together a costume is harder than it sounds. Here are four last-minute costumes that you can easily find in your closet before heading out to your Halloween festivities.

1. Kim Possible

You’ll be unstoppable in this Disney throwback costume.

What you need:

-baggy, green khakis

-black long-sleeve (cropped style optional)

-black shoes or boots

-black gloves

  1. Napoleon Dynamite: “Vote for Pedro”

This ode to the early 2000’s will definitely be a comedic crowd pleaser.

What you need:

-White shirt

-pair of jeans

-pair of glasses

-red fabric marker (to write “Vote for Pedro”)

  1. Daria

Revive this 90’s cartoon character for Halloween this year.

What you need:

-tan shirt

-green jacket

-black skirt

-black boots

-pair of circular glasses

  1. Where is Waldo?

Keep everyone on their feet this Halloween by trying to search for Waldo.

What you need:

-red and white striped long-sleeve shirt

-pair of jeans

-pair of circular glasses

-red or white beanie (preferably striped)