Faculty Senate to discuss environmental initiatives, undergrad recruitment
The newest update to the student code of conduct was discussed on Wednesday by the faculty senate.
October 3, 2017
DeKALB | Wednesday’s Faculty Senate meeting will include discussion of an undergraduate recruitment plan and protecting the environment at NIU.
Sol Jensen, vice president for Enrollment Management, Marketing and Communications, will be joining the Faculty Senate to discuss a draft of guidelines for encouraging undergraduates to enroll at NIU. The draft includes tips for being effective recruiters for off-campus visits to high schools or education fairs and on-campus visits in DeKalb.
The group will also discuss a resolution related to“The Green Team and Stability,” according to the meeting agenda. The resolution will urge the NIU Green Team, a group that looks to improve the environment through on-campus efficiency and conservation, to make “a plan for coordinated sustainability initiatives.” It also urges the team to encourage students to help the environment. A presentation will be made by Green Team Chair Melissa Burlingame and Green Team member Melanie Costello.
Members will also vote on the approval of George Slotsve, Faculty Senate vice president, as an appointee to the General Counsel Search Committee, which is being established to help in the search for a permanent NIU president. Slotsve has been an economics professor at the university since 1996.
The meeting, which is open to the public, will be held 3 p.m. Wednesday in the Holmes Student Center, Sky Room.