“It”: A Spooky Film Review

“It”: A Spooky Film Review

By Ginger Simons


The recent film adaptation of Stephen King’s “It” has been sweeping theaters just as audiences are getting geared up for Halloween. Making its debut on Sept. 8, it grossed $123 million opening weekend and has since made over $226 million, according to Box Office Mojo. I had the opportunity to see this movie over the weekend and have had the chance to collect my thoughts on it. I have avoided spoiling any major plot points, but if you plan to see the movie and wish to form your own opinion, proceed with caution.

What really compelled me about this film is the genuine effort put into making the characters believable. The relationships are fleshed out and the acting is genuine. As a friend of mine elegantly put it, “It’s like ‘Stand By Me’… but, you know, with more clown violence.” And that’s very accurate. The movie has a tint of nostalgia, making it comparable to classic coming-of-age films.

There is, unfortunately, a bit of a weak aspect of the film… the horror. From the opening scene between Georgie and Pennywise, it’s apparent the computer graphics leave something to be desired. While the film is surprisingly funny, the humor sometimes washes out the horror moments, making the whole of the movie inconsistent and less impactful. There are a few plot points (ones that differ from the original novel) that seem awfully convenient, some to the extent that they feel unrealistic and even cheesy. This film seems almost as though it’s two separate movies: one about the lives and relationships of the “Losers Club” and one about Pennywise, and the former is far more compelling than the latter.

Despite its shortcomings, “It” must be given credit because it does attempt to do something entirely different from both its original source material and the renowned cult miniseries of 1990. Often with remakes, we must not focus on on whether or not the movie is “good” but also if it was necessary to make. This film did indeed put a new spin on the story, though there were many important horror aspects that could have been executed (no pun intended) much more gracefully.

Be sure to check out entertainment contributor Sofi Marcotte’s review of the film.