Runners splashed in colors

The Sigma Kappa Color Run painted runners a rainbow of colors filling the air with colored powder.

By Victoria Lunacek

DeKALB — The sisters of Sigma Kappa colored the air with rainbow powders while raising money for their philanthropy at their first annual Color Run.

A color run is a five-kilometer race in which colored powder is tossed at runners throughout the duration of the run. Different stations have people lined up to toss color packets at runners, coloring their T-shirts and skin. The race began 9:15 a.m. Sunday at Northern View Circle in DeKalb.

Amanda Surrusco, vice president of philanthropic services, said Sigma Kappa raised over $3,000 for its philanthropy, the Alzheimer’s Association. Surrusco said over 200 students and community members participated in the event.

“We had almost 250 people register for the race,” Surrusco said. “I feel it turned out really good.”

While there were no winners or losers, there was one participant that crossed the finish line well before the other runners. Junior Spanish major Jordan Landauer finished the five-kilometer run in about 24 minutes. Landauer said he has been running most of his life and was excited to run for a cause.

“I love running, it’s very natural for me,” Landauer said. “I had to sign up. I think Sigma Kappa is an incredible organization and [that] they did an amazing job.”

Surrusco said the Sigma Kappa sisters have a strong connection to their philanthropy, and many sisters have family members fighting Alzheimer’s and dementia. Surrusco said she has relatives that suffer from Alzheimer’s, one being her grandfather.

“This sorority and philanthropy hold a special place in my heart because of what we support,” Surrusco said. “When I joined Sigma Kappa, it just felt like home because of it.”

Freshman nursing major Alexandra Crowley said she has a similar story because her grandmother is currently fighting Alzheimer’s. She knew it was the sorority for her because of its philanthropy. Crowley said she is proud of the work her sorority does and is happy with the progress their funds have made.

“I am so happy being a part of a sorority that supports something that hits so close to home,” Crowley said. “I know the money we are raising is going to help someone who needs it. Even if it can’t help my grandmother right now, I am glad that it can help someone else.”