Adopt-a-Pet of the Week: Chester and Fester
March 28, 2017
This week’s adopt-a-pets of the week are Chester and Fester. Those interested can adopt them from Tails Humane Society, 2250 Barber Greene Road.
Chester and Fester are 6 year old cats who need to find a home where they can stay together. They are both declawed and their adoption fees have been sponsored. Chester is a bit more outgoing and curious than Fester. They have lived with big dogs without issue. Both enjoy playing with toys and Chester likes his belly to be rubbed. Their person developed allergies to them and extreme breathing issues so they were brought to Tails.
For more information, visit Tails Humane Society between 12 to 6 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, 12 to 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday or 12 to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.