Title IX deadline set

By Lindsey Salvatelli

DeKALB — All students, except those who are first-years, are required to complete Title IX training by March 3.

Title IX was created in 1972 to prohibit sex discrimination in federally-funded education institutions. Since then, it expanded and now includes issues related to sexual misconduct. By law, NIU is required to maintain a Title IX director.

Beginning Aug. 1, all students, faculty and staff who attend or work at any institution that receives federal funding were mandated to annually participate in Title IX training.

Karen Baker, director of Title IX, released an email to students Wednesday to inform them of the March 3 compliance deadline.

Title IX training is available on Blackboard. Failure to complete the training is reflected on a person’s record, said Rose Henton, director of coordinated education, training and outreach.

“We decided to take [the workshops] out to campus so we’re in [students’] neighborhood,” Henton said. “We haven’t done that before.”

Workshops will recur four to six times a month during the spring semester. Students can attend the workshops, but Henton warned that those who attend are not absolved from online training.

“I think because the training is going to be mandatory, maybe it’ll create more awareness, but I think it’ll just be a spark,” Claire Buchanan, graduate cultural anthology student, said. “I don’t think it’ll be anything impactful because [there are] so many trainings you have to do already.”

The 2016-2017 Annual Safety and Security report showed a rise in dating violence, rape and stalking compared to previous reports.

Baker’s email was delivered to students just one day after Sen. Bob Casey questioned Betsy DeVos, secretary of education nominee, if she would uphold the United States Department of Education’s 2011 Guidance of Title IX.

The guidance was issued April 4, 2011, as the Dear Colleague Letter that addressed student-on-student sexual harassment and -violence. The letter was sent to all educational facilities that receive federal funding and set out their schools’ responsibilities when responding to students who file Title IX complaints.

“Sexual assault is a ripple effect,” Henton said. ”It happens to that [victim], but it effects everyone.”

Lindsey Salvatelli is a staff writer. She can be reached at [email protected].