Employee Assistance Program hosts presentation on new treatment system

By Northern Star staff

The Employee Assistance Program department will host a presentation at noon to 1 p.m. on Thursday called Mechanical Motion Therapy.

The presentation will be about a new treatment system called Mechanical Motion Therapy, which is used to relieve pain and inflammation. The lecture will include a live demonstration in the Holmes Student Center Blackhawk Annex.

The treatment system uses mechanical adjustment technology and is painless. This dual-motion treatment system moves patients through certain patterns of motion different than their own. The presentation is part of a Brown Bag Lunch series held by the Employee Assistance Program. The lecture will be presented by Dr. Selir from Family Wellness & Rehab in Sycamore.

“[Dr. Selir] donates a lot of time educating the community,” said Karen Smith, program specialist at Human Resource Services.

Smith said that this presentation may be of special interest to kinesiology majors, but is open to anyone on campus.

To get more information and to RSVP, contact Karen Smith at [email protected] or 815-753-9191.