Pass/Fail: Huskie Xpress and pedestrian safety rules

By Hanna Markezich

Pass: Huskie Xpress makes it easier for students to go home

Students from the Chicago-area now have the transportation to get to and from NIU.

Huskie Xpress offers affordable transportation during the weekends for students to travel to the city and go home.

The Xpress offers two routes from the Holmes Student Center starting this Friday. The Xpress will take students to key locations of the city and surrounding areas. This is a great opportunity for the community and other students to explore Chicago. Time slots are available online for everyone Students will pay $23 each way and are allowed to bring two carry-on bags.

Fail: Pedestrians and drivers need to take extra safety precautions

Majority of students walk to their classes, but many are not following pedestrian safety rules.

Students may not pay attention when approaching a busy intersection or they do not follow the traffic lights. Pedestrians and drivers need to be cautious while on campus of their surroundings.

Many students follow the belief that if they are in the crosswalk, they have the right of way. Students should pay attention to traffic lights in case vehicles turning left have a turn signal. Drivers should be patient when students do have the right to cross.

If both parties would take extra safety precautions, then campus traffic would be much easier.