Take precaution, Fourth of July pet safety

Pets may become distressed from fireworks so take precaution in caring for them by keeping your pets at home where it is quiet.
July 2, 2016
Taking the extra steps to plan and ensure your pet is safe on Fourth of July is crucial.
Fourth of July is one of the most stressful and potentially dangerous times of the year for pets, according to TripsWithPets.com. Animal shelters across the United States report at taking in an overall higher number of dogs that happen to run off during firework festivals compared to any other day of the year.
Many pet owners assume that Fourth of July is a family, friendly event. But remember, understanding and planning how your pet reacts to loud noises and bright lights is important to enjoy the holiday.
Precautionary tips
- Don’t take your pet to a firework display.
- Don’t leave your pet alone in the car during a firework display, or ever.
- Keep your pet, or pets in your home where it is quiet and they cannot see a firework display.
- Keep a phone contact of your veterinarian in case your pet experiences anxiety or distress.
- Understand how your pet seeks comfort during distress and make them feel comfortable.
- Never leave your pets outside and unattended for.
- Make sure your pet is wearing identification tag.