Pass,Fail: TEDxNIU event, Surveys come at inconvenient time
April 21, 2016
An independently organized TED event will be held from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday in Altgeld Hall, auditorium. TEDxNIU will be a great way for students to broaden their outlooks on university life. This year’s event will focus on “A Future Forward Together.” Students can go and learn how other peoples’ experiences can lead to a stronger future. The event will be $10 for students and will offer live TED talks to bring students into the continued conversation of diversity.
NIU has been sending emails about the College Experience Survey. It is necessary for NIU to receive feedback about the campus and students’ experiences on campus, and it is important for students’ opinions to be heard. With finals approaching, however, students may have a lot of final papers and projects do leaving no time to complete surveys. Even with the incentive of 10 chances to win 30 different $100 prizes. Emails could be sent after finals, or earlier in the semester when students are not as busy.