History of the Week: Students hold protest for closed dining hall
Douglas Hall residents protest the residence hall’s weekend food service policy in a photo published in the Northern Star on Jan. 26, 1976.
January 27, 2016
Douglas Hall residents filled “Sunday dinner” lines at Grant Tower South in protest of Douglas Hall denying weekend food services for the third year.
The protest was sponsored by Douglas Hall Council and publicized within the dorms with a petition that included 400 signatures, according to a Jan. 26, 1976 Northern Star article.
“The protest was to cause Grant South Food services to become irritated enough to ask Douglas be left open,” said Eric Luskin, former Douglas Hall Resident Adviser.
All residence halls in 2016, except for Gilbert Hall, are now open on weekends for students. Go to bit.ly/1RMBA9Q for a list of locations and hours for residence halls.