Delta Phi Delta holds second dance for suicide prevention
Co-ed dance fraternity Delta Phi Delta members raise awareness and money for suicide prevention awareness by dancing Sept. 16, 2014, at the Martin Luther King Jr. Commons.
September 21, 2015
DeKalb | Delta Phi Delta Dance Fraternity will use the art form of dance in its second annual suicide prevention event.
Dance for Your Life was created to give students, faculty and community members the opportunity to relieve stress in a fun and unique way, said La’Vannah Roberson-Wilson, senior communication major and former Delta Phi Delta Dance Fraternity president. Roberson-Wilson said the event was created by Maurice Dentis, a fellow member who often spoke about how dance was a stress reliever in their lives.
The members of the fraternity also created the Dance For Your Life event to become an outlet to raise awareness for suicide prevention.
“We are using this event as a stress-free zone that’s open to whoever wants to come and dance like nobody is watching,” Roberson-Wilson said.
Mystique Ben, NIU alumna and community service chair, said the topic of suicide prevention hits close to home for many of the fraternity members.
“I know a lot of members in our fraternity that have been affected or know people that have been affected by suicide, and we want to make people aware,” Ben said.
The fraternity hopes to spread awareness of their other causes, including maintaining unity among the dance and performing arts communities, Ben said.
Roberson-Wilson said she enjoys the fact the event gets members of the community involved for a common goal.
“What I love about this event is that it brings a lot of attention to what we are raising awareness for,” Roberson-Wilson said. “People don’t really realize that suicide is something that’s really important, and I like to get feedback from people that they are so grateful that we raise awareness for suicide prevention. And it’s such a unique way to do that.”
Dance For Your Life will start at noon Tuesday in the Martin Luther King Jr. Commons. A variety of music will be played throughout the four-hour event, and attendees are welcome to come and go as they please, said Danielle Warren, NIU alumna and chapter treasurer.
“This event is also a way to get students to know about the fraternity and learn about what we do,” Warren said. “The Dance For Your Life event is an event for students or anyone else to just come out and dance.”