Pass: SA fixes mistake at open meeting, Fail: City smoking ban ordinance delayed

By Angela Pagan

Pass: SA fixes mistake at open meeting

The Student Association held an emergency meeting to correct a mistake in legislation, which shows good leadership and initiative. The number of senators who can be elected per district in the election policy was supposed to read 10, but instead read eight. As with any kind of government, nothing is perfect, and mistakes are often made; however, what makes an effective government is being able to identify those mistakes and take time to fix them.

Fail: City smoking ban ordinance delayed

The DeKalb City Council sent the wrong message by postponing discussion on the smoking ban ordinance. If this issue is important and concerns residents, then the ordinance should not have been delayed. If the smoking ban is a serious step in eliminating smoking all together then the ordinance should be placed in effect soon. The sooner the ban is implemented the sooner students and others on campus will get used to the concept of a smoke-free campus. As long as the ordinance is not passed, smokers can find a loophole from the ban by stepping onto a sidewalk touching campus.