Pass, Fail: SA President plans good start to year, Moving SA elections confusing, not good

By Rachel Scaman

Pass: SA President plans good start to year

Student Association President Nathan Lupstein’s plans for next semester will help students get more involved with the SA, which is something to push for.

Lupstein said his ticket will look to create an app to allow students to voice ideas and find answers to questions about the SA.

This app will allow students to get information on the SA and submit questions or concerns. Having the SA app connected with the NIU app will let the students know the SA is an available resource on campus.

I think having an app can also improve voter turnout if the SA has plans to incorporate the app with online voting. I’m excited to see what comes from the app.

Fail: Moving SA elections confusing, not good

Moving the Student Association Senate elections to the spring to coincide with the executive elections seems like it’ll be a lot for students to take in.

The SA Senate will move its election from the fall semester to the spring to increase voter turnout.

If SA Senate elections are around the same time as the executive elections, students can get overwhelmed with the amount of candidates.

I think having one election in the spring and one in the fall will give students time to get to know all the candidates and give them time to make their decision.

There are many candidates who compete in the elections and having them both during the same semester can be confusing for some students.