Local H delivers nostalgic performance

Musician Ryan Harding drums with Local H Nov. 29 at Otto’s, 118 E. Lincoln Highway.

By Carl Nadig

After consumers jammed into department stores shopping during Black Friday, adults were OK crowding into Otto’s for a special performance by alternative rock duo Local H.

The 21-and-older venue, Otto’s, 118 E. Lincoln Highway, became overcrowded quickly as The Flips opened the concert with a heartfelt playlist from its newest album, “A Harm Deep But Shining.”

Booked by Kickstand Productions, The Flips’ album covers heartbreak, loss and a power rock tribute to the popular show, “Breaking Bad.” The band’s youth and vigor was on par with the main attraction, yet it sounded brighter and softer compared to the heavily distorted and fuzzy tone of Local H.

While the two bands had small differences in their energetic performances, both The Flips and Local H originate from the Chicagoland area.

Local H performed a wide scope from its discography, ranging from the commercially successful album “As Good as Dead” to its newest album, “Hallelujah! I’m a Bum.”

While spectators violently shoved and randomly bounced off each other, the mosh pit in front of Otto’s stage was a nostalgic experience of the punk and grunge-era of the late ’80s and ’90s. It was an unruly reminder that disorder is acceptable in small doses.

Without security, the stage was at the mercy of the rowdy crowd. Yet, throughout the night, there was an underlying sense of control. Guitarist and vocalist Scott Lucas, in order to prevent any serious injuries, aggressively told some fans to abstain from moshing.

After the show, Lucas reached out into the crowd, climbed atop of the spectators and crowd surfed to the front of the venue. Along with the members of The Flip, Lucas mingled with the locals after signing autographs and selling merchandise. As Black Friday ended, the ringing in fans’ ears couldn’t prevent them from forgetting this concert.