Fast held to raise awareness of hunger

By KeAndre Worthy

Students will go hungry Friday to raise awareness of homelessness and the hardships that come with it.

The Muslim Student Association and the Anthropology Club are signing up students to fast from sunrise to sunset Friday for Fast-A-Thon. Participants will raise awareness on homelessness and hunger, and they will collect donations throughout the week and on Friday.

At 4:30 p.m. Friday in the Campus Life Building, Room 100, there will be panel on fasting and dinner.

“[The goal] is to raise awareness on hunger that homeless people struggle with on a daily basis, but also give a sense of empathy to students toward those issues,” said Ateeqa Roslan, junior visual communications major.

Afreen Warsi, Muslim Student Association member and freshman chemistry major, said all proceeds will go to Hope Haven. Hope Haven is a shelter in DeKalb.

“…Nobody takes time to think about food. Mainly if they do it’s about counting calories, so [the fast] will really develop a level of understanding of homeless peoples’ struggle and the value of food,” said junior anthropology major Mallory Desalvo, a member of the Anthropology Club.

The Muslim Student Association will host events about faith, science, art and music throughout the year, Warsi said.

“Muslim Student Association gave [Anthropology Club] a great opportunity to help … any way we can with this event and have been working with other clubs doing good causes,” Desalvo said.

Organizers are using a quotation from Franklin D. Roosevelt as a slogan for Fast-A-Thon: “The test of our progress is not whether we add to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough to those that have little.”

Fast-A-Thon signups are available from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. today and Thursday in DuSable Hall.