Pass/Fail: Professor simplifies physics for all students, employees don’t need annual ethics training

By Jeanette Fritz

Pass: Professor simplifies physics for all students

Professor David Hedin broke down physics for the everyday Joe Tuesday in the Founders Memorial Library.

Instead of explaining multiple universes like Sheldon would on the Big Bang Theory and rambling off words that would undeniably cause a snooze fest, Hedin explained universes as if they were snowflakes.

Snowflakes are made of the same material, but each one looks different because it forms at a different pace or in different conditions, as Hedin explained. Likewise, if a universe were to form, all of the same materials would be present, but there would be different amounts of materials so the universal outcomes would vary.

As someone who fails miserably at anything related to science, explaining multiple universes as similar to snowflakes is the way to go. Obviously, not everyone is going to understand in-depth theories or like them. But since we live in a country that needs more science, math and technology, explaining concepts simply is the right road to start driving down.

If teachers started teaching science like this in elementary and middle school, we might have a better chance of the next generation being scientists.

Fail: Employees don’t need annual ethics training

Ethics training is a yearly requirement of any NIU employee.

The training starts in October and covers basic ethical topics, including restrictions on accepting gifts from prohibited sources, bribery and the misuse of university resources.

This yearly training requirement seems completely unnecessary. I understand why you would want a new employee to be required to read the seemingly neverending ethics manual before they start work, but do I really need to read it every year? Everyone knows right from wrong; that’s why we have parents. My father taught me things similar to this book before I even entered kindergarten. Why do I need to be re-taught it in college?

Ethics training states basic information: Don’t misuse NIU resources. Don’t accept bribes. Don’t be an idiot. It actually doesn’t say the latter, but it might as well. All the rules to being a state employee are rules one should follow in everyday life — they’re the rules to being a civilized human being. If you need to “train” yourself how to be one on a yearly basis, you should give up on living anywhere within 100 miles of society and interacting with other people.