Pass/Fail: Res halls need more events like ’50s night, High school weapon policy is overreaching

By Danny Cozzi

Pass: Res halls need more events like ’50s night

When I was in high school, I fell in love with doo-wop, rock ‘n’ roll and all the rebellious sounds of the 1950s.

Yes, I know. Four-part harmonies and cheesy guitar solos don’t exactly ring as being “rebellious” now, but they did back then.

Dietetic students hosted the event in New Hall with classic meals, black-and-white TV shows and sporting the fashion of the decade, according to a Thursday Northern Star article.

Although I didn’t get the chance to go back in time for the night myself, I love this idea. Giving students the opportunity to dress up and enjoy some good old fashioned nostalgia is a great way for them to have fun without feeling the urge to drink their weight in Keystone Light.

But more seriously, residence halls should engage programs like this more often. I wish I thought of this when I was a CA.

Not to mention, I’m a sucker for theme parties. Although I would have taken it a step further: Why not include those classic air raid drills?

Fail: High school weapon policy is overreaching

Earlier this month, a straight-A student was expelled from his Springfield high school. Now, the student’s father is suing the school district, according to an Oct. 26, Daily Chronicle article.

The student was expelled for having a hunting knife in the trunk of his car, as well as trace amounts of “suspected marijuana,” the article read.

The high school evidently didn’t think the student’s multiple academic recognitions and achievements, among them a clean disciplinary record, were enough to clear him of the incident, or at least reduce repercussions.

The school does have a “no-tolerance” weapon policy, but having such a blanketed approach to the issue can have bad consequences. This is one of them.

The student had a grade point average of 5.0089 on a 5.0 scale, was a National Merit Scholarship semifinalist and was a member of the varsity golf and tennis teams.

I don’t think someone with as much scholastic success as that deserves such an open-shut disciplinary decision.