Jedi fans promote literacy

By Katie Charland

Children and parents showed their Jedi pride Saturday to celebrate Star Wars Reads Day.

This event was held by Barnes & Noble, 2439 Sycamore Road, and promoted literacy through Star Wars books. The day’s activities included a scavenger hunt and costume and coloring contests. This is the first time the store has hosted an official Star Wars Reads Day.

“May the force be with you,” said Community Relations Director Elizabeth Dufur as children scattered through the store on the first event of the day, a scavenger hunt which required participants to find pictures of the characters who said the quotes the participants were given.

This is the first big event the store has had for adults and children, Dufur said. Recently, all Barnes & Noble stores were assigned required days to host certain events, said store manager Kate Shaw.

There was hope there would be at least 10 people attending, Dufur said, but those expectations were exceeded.

“We have about 15 kids here,” Shaw said.

Among the Star Wars fans who came was Amy Scorzo, 12, of DeKalb. Dressed as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Scorzo was most excited for the scavenger hunt.

She said she has been a Star Wars fan since the second grade and the battles are her favorite part of the series.