Fall in Love with Pumpkin Cupcakes

By Aymie Telinski

Desserts taste significantly better knowing you made them. Fortunately, this fall cake/cupcake recipe isn’t a big time commitment.

Consider this fun option of making frosting that adds a whole other level to the seasonal dessert.

What you’ll need for the cake is one box of Spice Cake mix, one can of 15-ounce pumpkin and optional chocolate chips.

Mix the cake mix and pumpkin in a bowl. This is the most annoying part of the process because it’s hard to mix the two ingredients. It also takes a while to make sure the two ingredients are evenly mixed.

Add a cup of chocolate chips into the bowl after mixing the pumpkin and mix. Don’t be afraid to take a small taste of this delicious trio. There are no eggs so go crazy, but not too crazy because you do want a cake.

Scoop your creation into a cupcake tin or pan and bake according to the box’s directions. Make sure to watch the oven because these babies cook fast.

While that’s cooking, start making frosting. You’ll need one can of cream cheese frosting, half a package of Duncan Hines Frosting Creations flavor mix caramel, 1 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice and 1/2 teaspoon of ground cloves. The ground cloves have a strong flavor, so less is more.

Mix all these together. Once the cupcakes are done and cooled off you should add frosting and enjoy your fall dessert. Moderation is important when applying frosting, so don’t drown the cupcake.