Tips to follow when building your study music playlist

By Deanna Frances

Finals are hard. It’s a proven fact, and just the thought of finals coming up can really make anyone stress.

During these last exams, students use their own ways of studying to keep focused and not go crazy. One of the main ways students focus on studying is by listening to music. If you’re not listening to the right music, it could make studying even harder. Here are some tips to follow when choosing your finals playlist.

Keep calm

Calming music can put some people to sleep, but it can really help some students with their study habits.

According to, studies have shown that classical music can improve your concentration.

“Brain imaging studies have shown that music works at a very deep level within the brain, stimulating not only those regions responsible for processing sound but also ones associated with emotions,” said David Lewis-Hodgson of Mindlab International, according to the Daily Mail.

Find your jam

Everyone has a different taste in music. Whether its pop, rap, country or classical, all types of music can help you relax and focus.

According to, some of the top relaxing songs are songs from artists like Adele, Mozart and Coldplay. All of these artists are different but they have relaxing songs. Try to find a few songs from your favorite artists that relax you, and make your own finals playlist.