Skyrim more fun with mods on PC

By Patrick Pastrana

“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim,” or just referred to as “Skyrim,” is still a fantastic game after its release in November 11, 2011. Gamers rack up a total of hundreds and possibly thousands of gameplay time because of its immense replay value and downloadable content.

But those who are lucky enough to have the PC version of “Skyrim,” are likely having more fun than the gamers with the console version. With the PC version, hackers and programmers have made countless modifications, or mods, to the entire “Skyrim” game. These mods let you test the limits of creativity in the world of “Skyrim.”

Let’s start with spells, weapons and abilities– what kinds would you imagine or create? Whether it’s summoning a giant meteor on your foes, using an assault rifle and energy sword from Halo or having your character fly around, it’s not a problem because there’s a mod for that. Robbaz, a popular YouTuber, has made a video called “Skyrim”–Army of Children “Viking Commentary.” The video displays his personal modification to “Skyrim.” Robbaz created a spell to summon an army of over 100 children to attack his chosen target. He decided to summon them on a dragon and after a fierce battle, the children won. I think we can all agree that fighting a dragon with a youthful, yet powerful army is pretty hilarious.

Werewolf transformation mods are getting more and more unique. People are modifying the transformation by letting you become other monsters. Whether it’s a giant, a dragon or even Superman, it’s all possible to do. Eric Sapp from made a list of “Skyrim’s Craziest Mods and Glitches,” and added a mod titled “WereChair Mod.” The mod allows you to transform into a chair with the ability to attack like a werewolf. Yes, you read that correctly: a chair that attacks like a werewolf.

Considering the game occasionally has some really tough fights, it helps to have a companion (or follower) fighting with you. But there are times where you are very outnumbered by enemies, which is why someone made a follower mod. Jamie Cifuentes of made a list called “10 Must-Have Skyrim Mods” that includes one called the “Ultimate Follower Overhaul.” Cifuentes said, “This mod gives players the ability to tweak the way companions work in Skyrim and adjust them for better control and usability.” She goes on to say that a player can also recruit up to 15 companions at a time. The mod can be found on by a member named fLokii.

The PC version of “Skyrim” can make you the most over-powered “Dragonborn,” while still having a lot of fun. To this day, many people who have the Xbox 360 and Playstayion 3 versions are still jealous of not being able to mod the game. If you haven’t tried out “Skyrim,” consider getting the PC version and trying out a few mods for yourself.