Writing Center offers additional help to students

By Erin Kolb

Students wanting to polish their writing can do so at the Writing Center in Stevenson Towers.

Writing Center Director Gail Jacky said the center is recommended for students who wish improvement in their writing skills. The center is an independent unit within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Some of the funding for the center comes from the Strategic Planning initiative, Jacky said.

“The Writing Center is a good place for anyone who realizes that writing is a process and is most easily improved by having outside readers give feedback on what you’ve created,” Jacky said.

Jacky said the center can be helpful with a paper for any class. Students can get help with writing cover letters and resumes.

Phil Shipley, senior computer science major, said he would have used the center years ago if he had known about it.

“I would like to learn about proofreading and ask about if the structure of my writing is good,” Shipley said. “I want to be sure I have a good opening that is easy to read and flows well.”

Jacky said some students schedule weekly appointments at the center while other others only visit because it is a class requirement.

English instructor Lori Lawson said she doesn’t usually require visits from her students.

“It is a finite resource that is not needed for every paper, but everyone should know about it,” Lawson said.

Lawson said students usually don’t ask about the writing resources available at NIU so they need those resources recommended to them. Students are encouraged to take advantage of resources like the Writing Center before they are having difficulties, she said.

“It should not be used instead of asking the teacher for help, rather than in addition to it,” Lawson said.