Sorority hosts events to promote domestic violence awareness

By Felix Sarver

The Alpha Phi Gamma (APG) sorority held Shout the Facts near Lucinda Avenue and Normal Road Monday.

The sorority teamed up with the Women’s Rights Alliance and Gamma Phi Omega to shout out statistics on abuse, rape and physical assault as drivers and people on the sidewalk passed by.

APG philanthropy chair Leah Mangio said her sorority held Shout the Facts to make the campus aware of domestic violence. The sorority used information from the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV). One in every four U.S. women will experience domestic violence during their lifetime, according to the NCADV’s domestic violence facts on Illinois. An estimated 1.3 million women in the U.S. are victims of physical assault by an intimate partner each year, according to the NCADV.

The information from NCADV was gathered from the National Institute of Justice, the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Department of Justice and Illinois crime reports, according to the NCADV.

People who were interested in the event were encouraged to shout some information on domestic violence themselves.

“We’d like to see that it is very effective,” Mangio said.

APG philanthropy chair Jamie Masalinto said information on cases of domestic violence are not reported by the victims a lot of the time.

Previously, APG had been able to reserve space at the King Memorial Commons area for their shout out, but this year the area was booked. The group had to use space on Lucinda Avenue near the Holmes Student Center, Masalinto said. She said she liked the area better because drivers and other people wouldn’t be able to ignore them so easily.

Beside shouting domestic violence statistics, the group passed out their schedule of events for the coming week and purple ribbons. The purple ribbon is the official color ribbon for domestic violence, Masalinto said. The people who put them on showed physical support for their cause.