Professor makes guest appearance in iBook

By Northern Star Staff

An NIU professor made a guest video appearance on the subject of Ancient Maya in an iBook, according to a Claxton Creative press release.

Art professor Jeff Kowalski made his appearance in the iBook 2012: Science and Prophecy of the Ancient Maya, now available in iBookstores worldwide, according to Claxton Creative. Kowalski recorded three video clips with author Mark Van Stone, a Maya expert and professor of art history at Southwestern College in Chula Vista, Calif.

According to Claxton Creative, Van Stone said Kowalski contributed knowledge on myths and creation stories to the iBook.

Van Stone’s iBook is designed for the iPad and features 3-D animations about ancient Mayan civilization. The ibook features photographs, interactive maps and drawings, according to Claxton Creative. The iBook also feature a interactive puzzle of the Tortuguero Monument 6, one of the Maya artifacts that mention the upcoming December solstice and end of the Mayan Long Count calendar.

The book also explores the possible answers to what the Maya predicted would happen after Dec. 21, according to Claxton Creative.

For more information on the iBook, visit