Take precautions during tornado season

By Ryan Felgenhauer

DeKalb | With spring upon us, it is important to consider the dangers of severe weather.

DeKalb is susceptible to a wide variety of severe weather, said Walker Ashley, assistant professor of geography.

“DeKalb can experience floods, tornadoes, non-tornadic winds, hail and lightning,” Ashley said.

Tornadoes have struck around NIU in the past.

“When I was a freshman, there was a tornado on move-in day,” said Arby Famular, senior English major.

There are important steps which can be taken to ensure safety in the event of a severe storm.

“Everyone should acquire a weather radio and program it to receive warnings for their location of residence,” Ashley said. “In addition, a plan of action is required when a warning is issued.”

“I would bring my roommates and pets into the basement,” said Stephanie Guerra, junior illustration major . “I would keep checking the Internet until the warning was over.”

The simplest way to protect yourself from a tornado is to get into a basement. Avoiding windows and bracing yourself under something sturdy will further protect you, according to the National Weather Service’s Tornado Safety Guide.

It is also important to practice this plan regularly. Ensuring everyone knows what to do is essential to a successful plan of action, stated the National Severe Storms Laboratory.