SA bylaws clarify some groups’ purpose

By Letter Writer

In response to the letter Wednesday regarding recent changes in the SA bylaws, the letter writer must understand that the only thing we have done is clearly spell out what qualifies a group to be classified as a “religious or political.”

There were no changes in the way we approve groups or how we view them. She was correct that we must represent all students and their views, not just the ones we like.

Example: I am a Catholic but I voted last year to allow new student organizations that went against my faith’s beliefs. Reason: Because it’s not just about me, and if there is enough interest in something, then they deserve to be heard by their student leaders and shall be given the same respect as anyone else.

There has been a lot of gray area concerning funding for groups that may be either political or religious and we will work hard to ensure that we are fair in our decisions regarding every group.

Last year I fought against an inactive SA, but this year there has actually been a great deal of improvements to the way business is done and your elected officials are working to improve the lives of every student at NIU.

If you have a problem with something, speak up. If you do not, then you have no room to complain. So even though I disagree with the letter writer’s statements that we are biased towards “community morality,” I am glad she spoke up for something and was willing to take us to task.

I encourage all students to contact their senators to give feedback of things they would like to see changed or improvements to the overall college experience. And of course, our meetings are open to the public.

Austin M. D. Quick

SA Senator – 5th District

Vice Chairman, Mass Transit Board