Good journalism still important as ever
August 24, 2010
The first day of class invokes a lot of emotions: anxiety, excitement, dread.
For many Northern Star staff members, fatigue set in this morning, after a long night of creating the first edition of the semester.
No matter how you’re feeling today, I hope you spend some time reading through this paper.
It has a lot of information to offer and is an important part of the community.
In fact, newspapers serve an important purpose to every community, and despite the changing times, the basic need for information is the same.
There has been a lot of talk in the journalism world about the looming “death” of newspapers, but despite the closing profit margins and shrinking news staffs, quality journalism is as important as ever.
And as we are forced to reassess the responsibilities of employees and regretfully cut positions, the Northern Star staff still regards this as its purpose for existence.
NIU and the surrounding area is a small metropolis ripe with activity and a quality newspaper serving the needs of the community is a necessity.
The Northern Star has been the campus newspaper at NIU since 1899.
It is student-run and independent from the university.
It’s published five days a week, with a Weekend edition every Friday (this is a new addition for the Fall 2010 semester).
This semester you’ll see changes in the Northern Star made to serve the community better.
You’ll also see changes made to accommodate a smaller budget.
What you won’t see, however, are changes that will undermine the purpose of a daily newspaper. We will continue to cover community events, question the motives of decision-makers and bring important stories to the attention of readers.
In an attempt to reach our audience in different ways, we will soon launch a new website tailored to provide news as it happens, as well as in-depth data records and other content you won’t find in a traditional print newspaper.
We will continue to do the best job we can with the resources available.
Whether you came to DeKalb for the first time this weekend or are a lifelong resident, I hope you’ll use this newspaper.
We work hard to provide it. I also invite you to let me know what you think.
Feedback, criticism and suggestions are always welcome and will help us serve readers better.
The next time you read something about the weakening world of journalism, remember this: good journalism won’t go away until the need for it does.