Council to hold public hearing on federal grant Monday
Second Ward Alderman Tom Teresinski discussed the potential farmland use by the DeKalb Taylor Municipal Airport, 3232 Pleasant St. at a city council meeting Monday. Old Elm Farms placed the highest bid during an auction and can farm the land if the ordinance passes.
February 6, 2020
DeKALB — A public hearing is set for Monday night’s City Council meeting for residents to give their opinions on a five-year Community Development Block Grant.
The Community Development Block Grant is a federally funded program aimed to increase housing, community and economic opportunities for low-income and moderate-income residents in the city, according to the Feb. 10 City Council agenda.
The public hearing will begin 6 p.m. at the DeKalb Municipal Center, 200 S. Fourth Street. Information received from residents at the public hearing will be used to develop the draft consolidated plan for 2020 through 2024 and the 2020 annual action plan.
The public hearing portion of the development of the plan creates the opportunity for citizen participation in setting long-term five-year strategies and short-term actions to meet priority needs, according to the agenda.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development requires submission of a consolidated plan from the city that establishes a vision for five-year community development actions that address needs in four areas: homelessness, special needs populations, housing and community and economic development.
In addition to the consolidated plan, an annual action plan that lists the activities to address the objectives planned for the grant must be submitted to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
A resolution to approve one year of funds for the consolidated plan and annual action plan will be up for a vote at Monday night’s meeting.
The 2020 allocation is estimated to be approximately $400,000, according to the agenda. The action plan must include a budget for the coming year that is based on the five-year objectives within the consolidated plan the agenda states.