A Day To Remember’s new album toned down a bit


A Day To Remember – “Homesick”

score: 6/10

A Day to Remember can’t decide which they want to be: the heaviest pop-punk act around or the most poppy hardcore act around.

The band’s indecision actually worked out for 2007’s “For Those Who Have Heart.” However, “Homesick” lacks the metaphorical sucker-punch of the previous album.

While the predecessor was much stronger with the hardcore elements, this new album finds A Day to Remember excelling at its pop-punk styling. With a few exceptions like “The Downfall of Us All” and “Welcome to the Family,” the better tracks on the album sound a bit more like a softer version of Silverstein instead of the A Day To Remember tracks of the past.

Fans expecting a heavier sound will be disappointed by “Homesick” from the post-hardcore angle. However, it’s not a bad album.

The pop-punk styled tracks “My Life for Hire” and “NJ Legion Iced Tea” show an excellent new direction for the pop-punk genre.

When compared to metalcore and post-hardcore bands like Norma Jean and early Funeral for a Friend, “Homesick” comes off as tame. However, it makes contemporary pop-punk acts Boys Like Girls and All Time Low sound timid and conservative.

What this album lacks in groundbreaking-related adjectives, it makes up for in consistency. Unlike “For Those Who Have Heart,” it’s a lot easier to take in “Homesick” in a single sitting — you’ll spend a lot less time hitting “skip track” on the band’s third outing.