A little nip and tuck does not promise a great season six


TV’s grittiest medical drama “Nip/Tuck” ended its fifth season with the most shocking event to hit the office of McNamara/Troy.

As the screen faded to black, fans of “Nip/Tuck” were left on the edge of their seats as they watched their beloved Dr. Sean McNamara gasp for air after he’s brutally stabbed by his maniacal ex-agent Colleen. Clinging to their remotes, viewers hoped the surgeon would be rescued, but as Sean sputters one last blood-choked breath, a commercial for tampons bursts onto the screen.

For many long months, fans waited to learn Sean’s fate, and on Jan. 6, their prayers were miraculously answered by his partner Christian who found Sean alive after surviving the vicious stabbing.

Can this season, however, measure up to its perfectly sculpted predecessors?

To better evaluate the season thus far, perhaps it would be best to set up a patient consult with the season itself to determine what is good and what could use a little nip and tuck.

Although season six is desperately trying to change its ways, the show is trying too hard. Like the Mrs. Grubmans of the world, “Nip/Tuck” is trying to bring back the glory days of its early years with painful new changes that could ultimately hurt the show.

While a few changes are good and can help bring “Nip/Tuck” to the “Perfect 10” we all know it is, a total facelift of the main characters could prove to be a case of malpractice for the late-night plastic surgeons.

Regardless of what has happened so far, there is plenty to look forward to.

With hints of wedding bells for some characters, the return of Mario Lopez and the possible revenge attack on Julia when Eden comes back, this fan is sure to tune in every Tuesday night as the “disturbingly perfect drama” slices through season six.