Multiple gaming platforms means gamers have options


The Xbox 360 came out three years ago. The Sony PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii both came out two years ago. The current generation console war is in an all-out battle royale now. Even though the Wii is leading in sales, none of the consoles dominates over the others like the PlayStation 2 did.

For gamers, a console battle royale is fantastic news. With such strong competition, the majority of third-party titles are now available on multiple consoles. Additionally, first-party publishers are now being forced to release better titles in order to differentiate their console from the competition. Each console gets the occasional third-party exclusive, but it’s usually not a deal breaker.

With so many good games available for each of the consoles — the Wii gamers that complain about a lack of good titles just need to open their eyes to “Resident Evil 4” and “No More Heroes” — this is the first generation where a gamer doesn’t need to painstakingly select which console to invest their hard-earned cash on.

In the previous generation, even gamers that picked two of the three consoles — four if you include the glorious Dreamcast — had to make a sacrifice. This time around, all you need to do is pick between the PS3 and Xbox 360, then pick up a Wii to cover 95 percent of the games you’ll be interested in this generation.

For once, the gamers win.