‘Hamlet 2’ won’t receive Oscar nomination, but worth seeing


‘HAMLET 2′ – 7/10

Starring: Steve Coogan, Catherine Keener, Elisabeth Shue

Plot: A failed-actor-turned-high-school-drama-teacher tries his best to save the drama program by putting on a musical sequel to “Hamlet.”

The Good: The trailers make this film look like another one of those ridiculous parody movies that seem to be all too prevalent these days.

Luckily, with one of the producers of “South Park” and “Team America: World Police” on board, and the hilarious antics of Steve Coogan, the movie is edgy and shockingly funny.

“Hamlet 2” was yet another cheesy inspirational “Stand and Deliver,” “Dangerous Minds,” and “Higher Education” type film but as politically incorrect as an episode of “South Park.” They even have the gall to parody Andrew Lloyd Weber’s “Jesus Christ Superstar” with the song “Rock Me Sexy Jesus.” This song and the opening song “Raped in the Face” are clever songs that are not only funny, but are performed well.

Coogan is hilarious as the gawky and awkward Dana Marschz. He embodies the flamboyant, nerdy and over-enthusiastic stereotype of drama teachers, but also makes it his own.

The Bad: The theme of this movie, “educator inspires hooligan students,” has really been played out. Though this was a more unrated and gritty version, it’s hard to believe that so-called “gang bangers” would take to musicals so whole-heartedly.

Watching the play unfold in the movie is extremely entertaining. The singing and dancing is pretty good, and the effects on stage are very impressive.

However, after the film, the infectious “Rock me, rock me, rock me sexy Jesus” replays over and over in your head for what feels like all of eternity.

The Lowdown: “Hamlet 2” is not going to get any Oscar nominations, nor is it the film that will inspire youth to become teachers. However, the witty one-liners, over-the-top parodies and brilliantly executed slapstick makes this film worth watching.