Get involved with a student organization on campus


While making the way to my 8 a.m. class, with my head down, I often pass the Barsema Alumni and Visitors Center. And last week, to my surprise, something caught my eye.

Commemorative bricks decorate the Alumni Center. They contain personalized phrases from people who have donated to NIU, and I was pleasantly surprised to see a brick with the message: “NIU Sweethearts.”

My 8 a.m. Grinch heart grew three sizes. The fact that NIU played match-maker years ago made me wonder how campus-sponsored-activities may lead to a life-long relationship.

That brick made me ask: are we a generation that can’t make connections through wholesome activities? People looking to make a connection for longer than one night may not advocate the “bar scene.” The NIU campus may be a better option.

Organizations sponsored through the university are worth looking into, and sadly they don’t have the participation they deserve.

“There are more than 200 organizations on campus,” said Student Association President Brent Keller. “These organizations are good to be involved with because you can make professional and social connections.”

The SA’s primary goal is to serve students. Other than that, the SA sponsors hundreds of groups that you could join. Taking part in campus-sponsored activities supports NIU and also provides a healthy way to interact with students.

“I’ll never forget when I joined two organizations freshman year,” said Marlon Haywood, Campus Activities Board (CAB) president. “I got to know a lot of people. Activities keep people motivated and help get their minds off academics for a little while.”

Campus activities do not exist to add stress for the student body.

CAB puts on events like NIU Welcome Days and movie nights.

“When you get involved with these events, the people you meet become like family to you,” Haywood said.

Perhaps in 30 years you won’t be donating a brick to the Alumni Center with your NIU sweetheart. But if you sit inside and don’t take the chance to meet the NIU community, you will regret it later.