‘The Dark Knight’ was highlight of movie summer


Calling the latest Batman outing the best entertainment event of the summer almost feels cliché.

However, when compared to every other movie, TV show, video game, album, etc. released during summer 2008, nothing comes within arms reach of “The Dark Knight.”

When the worst common criticism of a film involves the laughable vocal tone drop of the film’s costumed protagonist, chances are, the movie is quite solid in its composition. Then remember the source material for “The Dark Knight” is a comic book.

The film is the shining example of how a “superhero” movie can be held to the same standards and expectations of a serious dramatic film.

The composition of “The Dark Knight” not only succeeds in storytelling, but also in script, acting, camera work, lighting and special effects. Modern film techniques tend to rely solely on computer effects to accomplish a complex action scene.

Most important though, “The Dark Knight” is more than just a milestone for superhero movies. It’s the best movie to come out so far this year, and will likely retain that title with ease.